This is R’s default behavior, but I think it is a mistake. R wants to convert every character string into a factor. R reads in numbers just as you’d expect, but when R comes across character strings (e.g., letters and words) it begins to act strangely. Notice that the header row doesn’t count towards the total rows allowed by nrow.
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You can read just the six lines that you want (five rows plus a header) with: read.table( "poker.csv", sep = ",", header = TRUE, skip = 3, nrow = 5) We accidentally repeated the last row of data. Use nrow to tell R to stop reading in values after it has read in a certain number of lines.įor example, imagine that the complete royal flush file looks like this: This data was collected by the National Poker Institute. Use skip to tell R to skip a specific number of lines before it starts reading in values from the file. You can do these things with the skip and nrow arguments. Or, you may decide that you only wish to read in part of a data set. Sometimes a plain-text file will come with introductory text that is not part of the data set. Since entries in the data set mentioned earlier are separated with a comma, this file would be a comma-separated-values file and would usually be saved with the extension. txt (for text), but sometimes a file will receive a special extension that advertises how it separates data-cell entries. Within each cell, data appears as you’d expect to see it, as words and numbers.Īll plain-text files can be saved with the extension. Each file only uses one method of separating cells, which minimizes confusion. Often cells are separated by a comma, but they can also be separated by a tab, a pipe delimiter (i.e., | ), or any other character. Each row of the table is saved on its own line, and a simple convention is used to separate the cells within a row. Here’s how the royal flush data set from R Objects would appear as a plain-text file (I’ve added a value column): "card", "suit", "value"Ī plain-text file stores a table of data in a text document. For example, the Census Bureau, the Social Security Administration, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics all make their data available as plain-text files. For this reason, public data often comes as plain-text files. They are very simple and can be read by many different computer programs-even the most basic text editors. Plain-text files are one of the most common ways to save data.

How you open files in your working directory will depend on which type of file you would like to open. If you see the file that you would like to open in your working directory, then you are ready to proceed. You can see what files are in your working directory with list.files().

If you start R from a UNIX command line (as on Linux machines), the working directory will be whichever directory you were in when you called R.
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The Windows and Mac GUIs have similar options. You can also change your working directory by clicking on Session > Set Working Directory > Choose Directory in the RStudio menu bar. If the file path does not begin with your root directory, R will assume that it begins at your current working directory. For example: setwd( "~/Users/garrettgrolemund/Documents/Book_Project") That way I can keep all of my data, scripts, graphs, and reports in the same place. I prefer to set my working directory to a folder dedicated to whichever project I am currently working on. Just give setwd the file path to your new working directory. You can move your working directory to any folder on your computer with the function setwd. You can place data files straight into the folder that is your working directory, or you can move your working directory to where your data files are. To determine which directory R is using as your working directory, run: getwd() The location of your working directory will vary on different computers. This is where R will look for files when you attempt to load them, and it is where R will save files when you save them. Each time you open R, it links itself to a directory on your computer, which R calls the working directory.